Monday, July 28, 2008

[[07.28.08]] Entry

Got the Love Is the Movement shirt from Hot Topic today =D
It makes me happy!!!
My parents are just glad I bought something that says something different than "To Write Love On Her Arms"........ ~rolls eyes~
"You're like nobody else ya see
Nothin less than any girl in a magazine
don't ya know you're special you're really somethin special
baby oh... so you look into you look into the water
and there you are just the way you left yourself..."
You Cry A Tear to Start A River by Between the Trees
just random lyrics. They've been stuck in my head all day.
Choir camp started today... Kind of hard to believe I can't go anymore haha
I miss the guys there... mostly Mo haha
I just sculpted a rose out of red wax... it's pretty
and it smells good =P I sprayed it with my Victoria's Secret Strawberry Fizz perfume haha
I need to get a life... xP


[[07.28.08]] The Purpose for the Pain

Hey guys just wanted to let you know that there's a new book coming out soon
It's called The Purpose for the Pain and it's written by Renee Yohe.
Ask me who she is if you don't know.
It's going to be a great book so you should order it!!
It's available for pre-order right now!!
This won't be sold in stores so order it online!

You should buy this for me for my birthday ((August 11)) since my parents won't buy it for me =P It'll be late((the book doesn't come out till August 23 I think)) but I'll love you forever and ever and ever!!!!


PICK UP THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I'm still sad over Craig Owens. I won't say any more on the matter, I'm just glad he's ok.

I got a new digital camera. It's really shiny and new. ((No duh..)) It has this thing called youtube mode, so that will be fun =) I don't really know why I'm writing this... But that's ok because I don't know why I am who I am either. Kasia got back from Poland =D I'm so happyy!!!! I missed her =)

I decided that I'm going to the Summer of Love concert. Even if to just get one of the t-shirts lol. I'll have to get a ticket though... and convince my parents to drive me to either Ogden or Provo... bleh... I listened to some of the music though, it's not bad.
I don't really have much more to say right now so I'll just stop haha. More later. Maybe. I dunno.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Happy 4th of July!! Well actually there's only four minutes left. I slept in today till about 3 pm haha... Jet lag I guess. Well that and I stayed up all night. My mom, uncle, and brother went to see the "historical part of P.A." before I woke up. My dad stayed behind and waited while I slept. I finally got up, skipped breakfast/lunch and went to meet up with my brother, mom, and uncle. Then we went to the oldest street in the U.S. and my mom bought us bottles of the first soda in America. Original recipe and everything... exciting, eh? It's called "Dr. Physick, America's first soda." It was invented in 1807, black cherry flavor. Then we went to China Town. My brother bought a sword and we went to eat. The food was good. It was raining outside when we got out of the restaurant, so we took a cab to the house. [[07.05.08]] It's just past midnight now. I don't think they even did the fireworks since it was raining so hard. The humidity has officially killed my hair. It sucks. I played poker with the family for a while. The parents did shots. My mom doesn't really have the stomach for it. She walked into a door -.-' I still haven't talked to Gemma about the TWLOHA picnic thing. She hasn't been online. I figured it was because it's the 4th of July... then it occurred to me that she wouldn't be celebrating that anyway. It's just another day in Australia... xP I'm so smart. I really want to get a proper digital camera. I could have fun with that. I want to take videos with it. Just me and my friends being dorks. That way, if I ((or one of my friends...)) dies, I'll have videos on there to remember the person by. The few videos of Sean are great... We all really miss him. Well since I've gone through my day ((I slept through most of it...)) I'll stop writing. ((I LOVE THIS PEN!!!))


[[07.03.08]] Pennsylvania

Mmk so when I wrote last night it was kind of just all about my week or so. Today I think I won't write as much. Not as much to write about. I'm at my uncle's house in Philly. It's basically in the very center of the city. It's uber hot here, not to mention humid. It's so weird, the time difference. I keep forgetting. It's been a while since I've been out of my own time zone. The rents+uncle and brother are downstairs playing poker. We went to some sort of Independence Day concert thing as soon as we got settled into the house... it was boring. I think I could really get used to the city though. It's so big and it just has that adventurous feel about it ya know? We have to walk everywhere since cars are kind of pointless since there's nowhere to park. I haven't been to P.A. for maybe... seven years. There's a really great Italian ice place just down the street. We used to get it every day, so my parents feel it necessary to keep up the tradition. I have to admit, it is really good... While I was eating mine and walking toward the concert, I was texting Mo and thinking about Puppet, which in turn made me think of Post Secret. That reminded me taht PSC was/is ((when is/was it anyway??)) having a sort of picnic fundraiser, advertisement event. And seeing as I have a one track mind, I thought ((of course)) hey... TWLOHA should put something together like that!! What if it were like a mini Warped Tour? Have bands play, and you get an invite with every piece of TWLOHA merch. I woul dbe more than happy to help raise money for it and I would love to see it happen. I'll mention it to Gemma later perhaps((I did she kind of just said to me that if I want to do that then I can go ahead and do it but TWLOHA itself isn't interested, that's what they made the Street Team for... ouch... ~feelings hurt~ I thought it was a good idea...)) The concert was symphony music which sucked. I watched two episodes of One Tree Hill, and listened to The Story and the Song, Ellington, A Lesson In Romantics, and Jeffree Star for a while. I bought skullcandy earbuds earlier so it blocked the obnoxious symphony music out =) When we finally walked home, I got ready for bed, ate some chips, and came up to my room. I layed BTT on my iTiger ((like an iDog)) for a while. Then I started writing, and I promised I wouldn't write too much, so I think I'll stop now. Ugh my brother just walked into my room. If he reads this I am going to severely hurt him. Anyways, over and out!! =)



So it's Thursday today... almost a week after Warped Tour, but I'll write about it anyway =) It really was a dream come true. As soon as I got through the gate, I ditched Muff and Kelsey to go to the TWLOHA stand. Over there I met Nada, Jon, Michael, and Chris. They greeted me with enthusiasm and Jon took my picture since I was wearing my pink TWLOHA shirt ((It's up on the TWLOHA Official Street Team website now)) I asked if they needed any help with handing out surveys. I was disappointed that there weren't many other people helping out at the TWLOHA booth. I handed out maybe 100-200 surveys total... or maybe less who knows, I lost count. The heat made it seem like way more... I'm pretty sure Nada thought I was crazy!! They insisted that I take a TWLOHA bag for free, though I offered to pay for it. I had them all sign it =) It's special to me now. Nada wrote down my name and included me in a blog she wrote on the TWLOHA street team =D It is way beyond awesome!! At Warped Tour, Michael had me fill out a little slip of paper and I got to meet Mayday Parade!! It's really cool because they're my 2nd favorite band. I got my pic taken with them ((Our shirts matched!!)) but I'm not quite sure where to get it ((I have it now =D)) I'm sure Michael would know. I'll have to ask him. Anyhow, after that I met up with Muff, Kelsey, and Javier ((whom I made come later and help me hand out surveys for a while)) and we went to see Jeffree Star =D Silly how I'm writing about it in a Jeffree Star notebook with a Jstar pen haha. It was tres cool. We were so close to him!! I need to get those pix from Kelsey... After Jstar, I went back to the TWLOHA booth. Meeting those guys was soooooo cool!!!! I wish they could have stayed here longer... I wish I could have picked up one of Jon's EPs before he ran out. I didn't know he had them there =( I'll just buy one haha. If you haven't noticed I'm leaving a few personal notes in here haha. I asked them a favor and Michael was like oh that's easy!! I had bought some Between the Trees posters earlier for myself and Mo, and I wanted to get them signed. I ended up the only one in Utah with all five signatures!! I got to see BTT perform live ((Btw I missed Mayday Parade, I was busy passing out surveys... but that's ok because I got to meet them and get my picture taken =D)) which was really really really cool! They're super good!! I love them!!!! After that SI went and saw thet end of Katy Perry's act before I went over to the BTT tend. I went up and asked for my posters and Ryan Kirkland ((The lead singer of BTT)) was like ohhhh you're the TWLOHA girl!! That made me laugh. I wish I had a right to be called that haha... They gave me my posters and I waited around for a while while the rest of their fans bought things and got their pictures taken with Wes and Ryan. After they left, Ryan used my cell phone to call Mo because I asked him to. I'm still in shock!!! By then it was getting pretty late so they were packing up. I said goodbye and thanks to Ryan, but I forgot to ask for a picture with him =( When I went back to where the TWLOHA tent had been they were already gone D=. I had wanted to get my picture with them too!! I wasn't thinking that day. IT was really awesome to meet all my favorite people though. I hope I get to see them again someday. My life has taken a huge turn to the brighter side of life now, and I really think it's thanks to them. After Sean passed away it was kind of hard to get anything accomplished, but seeing Nada in particular really showed me that we should always be optimistic about life. I hope someday I can help someone like she helped me through TWLOHA and her blog [[]] She's one of my biggest role models and I strive to be more like her. It makes me feel so special that she mentioned me in one of her blogs!! Well enough about Warped Tour, tomorrow I leave for Pennsylvania. We'll be there for the 4th of July which will be sorta exciting I suppose. I'm not really looking forward to it all that much. I know shopping will be fun though ;) We're going to Washington D.C., New York, and Atlantic City too. I'm most looking forward to NYC =D I love it there!! I decided I want to get another journal identical to this one for my planner next school year. I just love it so much!! I really want to go to Canada. It sounds so amazingly cool there!! I'm really excited about Warped still. Through friends from Warped Tour, I found a band called Ellington and I am in love with their music! One of the two guys in the band, Michael, is really cool and so is his girlfriend, Hollee. Ellington is a big supporter of TWLOHA =) I wish I could meet Renee sooo badly. And Jamie of course. I hope I can be a TWLOHA intern someday... But my parents don't approve. Not that I ever listen to them anyway. I've been playing all night with the stuff I bought today. Of course there's this notebook, my Jstar wallet, another TWLOHA shirt, nail polish, lots of eyeliner, some bows for my hair, sunglasses, and a really small digital camera thing. Mo got a much nicer camera yesterday which I am looking forward to playing with xP But now I'm tired of writing, so I'll stop. More tomorrow on the plane or tomorrow night since I probably can't get away from my parents long enough to write. Happy flying!!


Just So You Know

My name is Maren, but I go by Zera sometimes.
I'm turning 14 on August 11th
And very much looking forward to putting this year in the past
My life is full of drama, and I don't mean on stage.
I sing, I act, I write a lot.
I write stories ((mostly fiction)), poems, and songs.
I do lots of artwork, but just for me.
Music is the love of my life.
I love reading as long as it's not non-fiction.
To Write Love On Her Arms ((TWLOHA)) has saved my life numerous times.
I can't live without it.
I wear my TWLOHA shirts almost every day
I wear my TWLOHA dog tag every day
I carry my TWLOHA bag around
I wear my TWLOHA wristband occasionally
I wear my TWLOHA buttons with every shirt.
To Write Love On Her Arms is my life.

These next few posts are from my trip to Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Atlantic City ((New Jersey)), and New York. After that there will hopefully be posts for each day or every few days.
I also might throw in a few stories or beginnings to stories.
